Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Dear Family and Friends:

This week went really well! It went by really fast, too.  Spanish is hard, but coming a little easier.  We have a lot of 'investigators' to teach, which is great!! Nothing really new happened this week besides just getting a new district in our zone!  We did have a few devotionals which went amazing!!! Seriously, so blessed to be here and able to hear from General Authorities and their talks all of the time! We also found out that we are losing two more from our district, Elder Pacheco and Elder Hill.  Elder Pacheco is going to New Jersey and Elder Hill to Mexico! They passed the advanced test and so they get to leave as soon as possible, which is Monday. In the devotional that we had last night, I sang  in the choir at the Marriott Center which was fun! Apparently, I was on the big screen when they were filming, so I guess I'm kind of a big deal ;) haha just kidding.  But Elder Schwizer from the Seventy and his wife came and talked to us.  She talked on how her father pushed her to be able to get through hard things and to face them with your head up high, shoulders back, and to just stand tall.  Elder Schwizer went on to say that we must lose our life to find it, which I hope that I will be able to lose myself completely so that I can find myself!! Then after we had a devotional review with Elder and Sister Brady from our Zone and they taught us that we should serve others, forget ourselves, and learn to love what we do and the people we are serving.  I'm going to push myself to be able to forget about myself and serve others.

It's weird transferring from Spanish to English so many times a day! I was writing in my journal and found out I'd written a lot in Spanish, but only stopped because I forgot what a word was in Spanish!!  Also, I found out I can't speak either language. Sometimes I'll combine the English and Spanish words together and get some funky sound coming out of my mouth. Kind of weird, but hopefully it's a sign that I'm finally learning Spanish.  haha

It's crazy to think in a few weeks I'll be out of the MTC or (La CCM) and out into the real world.  But right now I'm just going to try as hard as I can to be the best missionary I can be.  Thank you all for your support and love!!!

Elder Weenig
Sunday temple visit

P-day casualness! Yes!

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